Most education systems across the world rely on exams as a means of improving and assessing student learning. My entire middle and high school career in Pakistan was controlled by high-stakes examinations.
Skipping lunch periods, cramming for Advanced Placement (AP) exams, staying up for hours to finish homework, barely getting any sleep each night — all with the end goal of getting into the “best” college.
Many students feel overwhelmed when they think about life after high school. They know they want to go to college, but don’t truly understand what it takes to get there.
Since the onset of the recent pandemic, schools and universities have been forced to put a lot of their teaching online. On the surface, this seems to have spurred a series of innovations in the education sector. Colleges around the world ...
I served as an undergraduate admission officer for more than 12 years at selective universities in the United States, and I can easily recall the question that was asked to me most frequently: “What do I need to get in?”
Why did you choose to join the MBacc program and what were your initial impressions upon learning about the program? When I read the book about Minerva University’s education, I knew it was what I was looking for.
The evidence in favor of active student engagement is overwhelming: learning outcomes are higher in active versus passive learning environments. Many instructors use active learning techniques; however, the actual level of each student’s ...
How has teaching your subject areas, world cultures and world history, changed now that you are teaching in the MBacc program? I can say that since teaching the MBacc program, I have been able to truly focus on skills instead of just information ...
My high school journey in India, like that of most people across the globe, was intense for the wrong reasons. The goal of the institution was clear - to deliver top performance in the nationwide graduating exams and get students into the finest ...
Between November 2020 and April 2021, Minerva Project convened 36 high school principals and academic directors from 11 countries to hear how their schools adapted and innovated during the pandemic. Four universal themes emerged ...
Imagine looking at a high school transcript. Perhaps you are a high school student, or the parent of one, or a college admissions officer. The transcript shows a B+ in biology. What does this mean? Presumably, it means that the student has a B+ ...
In 2012, Tony Wagner, then a Harvard Innovation Education Fellow, interviewed hundreds of CEOs to determine the skills that our youth would need to thrive in the future. He reported themes such as critical thinking, problem solving, collaboration ...
A case for pedagogies that hybridize cross-disciplinary skills with core knowledge.
We have witnessed an unprecedented scale and intensity of disruptions to teaching practices in the last five months. Many teachers who had limited opportunities for training and guidance had to bring their classes online almost overnight ...