Minerva Forum™ Platform

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Our first-of-its-kind platform facilitates integrated learning journeys.

Purpose-Built Technology that Enhances Learning

We designed Forum as a data-centered learning environment built on our educational principles.

Forum brings our educational philosophy into practice—and brings learning to life.

The data-rich system delivers a coherent—and equitable—learning experience, from course design to class experience to the assessment of learning outcomes.


Skills-Focused Curriculum
Forum allows institutions to interweave durable skills across learning pathways for cohesive educational experiences.


Evidence-Based Pedagogy
Forum empowers instructors to teach with Fully Active Learning and leverage AI to optimize engagement and facilitate lesson planning.


Outcomes-Driven Assessment
The dynamic tracking mechanisms in Forum enable high quality, continuous, and formative feedback for specific skill development.


of learners find Forum effective at keeping them engaged.

Source: Minerva partner learner surveys
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Minerva’s comprehensive learning platform is a powerful means of improving educational outcomes.

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Forum gives instructors access to progress, activity, and engagement in real-time for a depth of content that maximizes success of instructor interventions.

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Forum’s instruction and evaluation tools promote greater understanding of the specific mental tools each course is designed to teach. With sophisticated assessment mechanisms, instructors are able to provide live, frequent feedback.

Forum facilitates engagement and dialogue. The platform and design…support a facilitation model, rather than passive [learning].
Suzanne Dove
Suzanne Dove
Assistant Vice President, Strategy & Innovation
Bentley University
White Paper
A Systematic Approach to Authentic Assessment

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White Paper
Integrating Artificial Intelligence: Key Strategies for Higher Education

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